Aveiro Smart Business is a Junior Enterprise in the consulting area, made up of students from the University of Aveiro. It stands out for its dynamism, multidisciplinarity, flexibility and motivation to provide quality services.
Founding Year
Quem Somos?
We provide Business Support, Market Research and Communication and Design services, according to the needs of each client.
To do this, we have multidisciplinary teams capable of responding to needs with the innovation, creativity and energy that characterize us, adding value to your business.
Tendo contacto permanente com formação científica e tecnológica, conseguimos aceder e integrar uma enorme diversidade de informação e conhecimento.
Our mission
The mission of Aveiro Smart Business is to bring academia and the business community closer together, training young university students who are committed and capable of making a significant impact.
projecting future
Our values are the entrepreneurial culture, which strengthens the quality of commitment and proactive activity, maintaining team unity
and developing hard and soft skills.
Our strategy
Differentiation and Innovation in services
Excellent relations with customers
Desenvolver parcerias
Contacto permanente com a formação científica e tecnológica
Diversidade e interação da informação e do conhecimento
Recursos humanos motivados e com vontade de crescer
Our departments
Commercial and Marketing Department
In the Commercial and Marketing Department there is a commitment to contact customers, seek partnerships, manage social networks, conduct market research and develop strategic plans.
Being able to explore individual and team creativity are the main skills of the members of this department.
Finance Department
The Finance Department is responsible for carrying out financial analysis, invoicing, market research, budgeting and investment plans.
The interest in the areas of management, accounting and taxation, combined with the desire to learn is what drives this creative team, capable of making decisions, detecting opportunities and adapting to change.
Department of Image and Communication
Tasks such as the production of institutional videos, web design, graphic identity, editorial project and multimedia coverage of events are the responsibility of the Image and Communication Department.
This team is made up of members with artistic sensibility, an eye for aesthetics and a lot of skill, capable of converting thoughts and words into real images.
Human Resources Department
The responsibility of the Human Resources Department is based on the development of selection activities; Team Building; Recruitment and Assessment and the organization of training activities.
Here there is a love of creating new connections and an aptitude for motivating, helping and accompanying members to go further.