Aveiro Smart Business

Social Responsibility

Aveiro Smart Business is committed to creating an impact, not only with its clients, partners and members, but with the entire community. It has therefore invested in activities that promote solidarity and sustainability, contributing to a better tomorrow. For us, social responsibility is a priority.

Recolha de Alimentos

Every month ASB collects food as part of the Movimenta Sorrisos project.

This project aims to support associations, and in turn encourage other organizations to do the same, in the Aveiro region, by collecting essential goods which are then distributed to the families that need them most.

In 2023, the food collection has already collected 20 canned goods, 23 cereals and 107 miscellaneous items.




Projects developed

The Christmas season is everywhere. Aveiro Smart Business collected toys from its members and gave them as gifts to those who need them most. This treat was developed as part of social responsibility, in order to remind everyone of this time of year.

Artboard 1

Every year, the Smart + Solidária project takes place, consisting of providing one of our services, free of charge, to any SSPI in the country that submits an application on our website.

The service provided must have a social, educational and/or environmental impact, which is one of the selection criteria.

In 2023, the project that was selected was Patronato Nossa Senhora de Fátima,in Aveiro.
